Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Every Little Thing has its Significance
This is a picture of a wild flower, called Coat Buttons. Maybe they look like buttons?! They look more like a super mini sunflower! Haha! Yea...actually they are in the same plant family as the sunflower. =)
There are types of plants in a garden, that are unwanted. These plants are call 'weeds'. Well, it does not mean that weeds are ugly plants; they are just not the desired plants in that plot.
How sad? But weeds have it's own beauty as well!
This is a very common weed, known as Love Grass. =) It looks really nice when you find the entire field full of it! They usually get stuck onto clothes or socks!

See the small butterflies feeding on the nectar? Weeds may be small and insignificant, but they are a form of life support to these tiny butterflies.

Have you ever felt like you are a weed? Unwanted. Insignificant. Unpopular. Unappreciated. I believe most of us feel this way before, at least once in our life.
But what encourages me the most, is to realize that weeds have a unique purpose too. They may not exist for the big picture, but their existence is necessary. It reminds me so much that I existed for a purpose. =)
Just like the weeds, we will find people who would appreciate us for who we are. Never think that we are insignificant, for even the things which seems unimportant are actually important in their own ways.
By the way, weeds are called "weeds" 'cause they are very determine to live, in every where and any where. You can try getting rid of them, but the next thing you know....TA-DAH!! They'll grow back again!
Let's have the 'weed-spirit' that never says die!! Long-live the weeds!!!!
9:57 AM |